CRI-EMOA: A Pareto-Front Shape Invariant Evolutionary Multi-Objective Algorithm

) CRI-EMOA is a new evolutionaty multi-objective algorithm (EMOA) that aims to solve multi-objective optimization problems that have Pareto fronts with different geometries. Unlike many currently availble EMOAs that are based on the use of convex weight vectors (as search directions, reference sets, or as part of an indicator) and for that reason they are overspecialized on certain problems, CRI-EMOA overcomes this problem, being a more general optimizer. Here you can find the source code of CRI-EMOA and a preliminary version of our paper of EMO 2019 (where CRI-EMOA is published). It is worth noting that in this preliminar paper, CRI-EMOA is denoted as CRS+-EMOA.
Source code
Preliminar paper

To compile, you need UNIX-based OS and gcc. Do the following:: 1) Go to CRI-EMOA/ 2) In a terminal, execute "make clean" and then "make". To execute CRI-EMOA: 1) go to CRI-EMOA/demo/ 2) Execute: ./emo_moea CRI-EMOA Parameter_file Problem Number_of_executions. 3) In CRI-EMOA/demo/input/ you can find several paramter files that you can modify according to your needs. 4) The available problems are described when you execute ./emo_moea