Riesz s-energy-based Reference Sets for Multi-Objective Optimization

To use the Riesz s-energy-based tool for the generation of reference sets, the following has to be done:
  1. A gcc compiler having the OpenMP library is mandatory.
  2. $ gcc -o reductor *.c -fopenmp -lm
  3. $ ./reductor filenamePOF N_1 [N_2 N_3 ... N_k] numThreads s
  4. filenamePOF is the name of the file that contains the Pareto front.
  5. N_1 [N_2 N_3 ... N_k] are the cardinalities of the subsets that you want to create. At least one has to be given. These have to be given in descending order. For example, if the Pareto front file has 1000 solutions, one may want to create subsets with cardinalities 500 400 300 200. Only a space is needed to separate the cardinalities.
  6. numThreads is the number of threads to launch to perform the Riesz s-energy steady-state selection. This is the reason to have the OpenMP library installed.
  7. s is the parameter required for the Riesz s-energy. It must be strictly possitive.
  8. Example of use: ./reductor DTLZ1_03D.pof 500 250 100 75 50 25 10 4 2
  9. In this case the file is DTLZ1_03D.pof and subsets of size 500, 250, 100, 75, 50, 25, and 10 are to be created using 4 threads and a s-value equals 2.
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Here we offer you a set of true Pareto fronts corresponding to the test suites DTLZ, WFG, IMOP, and Viennet. Each file's title is formed as follows: MOPNAME_0MD.pof. For example, the file corresponding to the DTLZ1 problem with 3 objective functions is DTLZ1_03D.pof, and the file of WFG9 with 10 objective functions is WFG9_10D.pof. Each file has a header "# numRows numObjectives". These files are one of the inputs of the Riesz s-energy-based tool.

Any comment please send it to jfalcon@computacion.cs.cinvestav.mx or jguillermo.fc@gmail.com.